1893:1893 Citrus Cola, 1893 Blackcurrant Cola
3C (when bearing OU)
5 Hour Energy Drink Only when bearing the Star K on the label
A & W Cream Soda, Root Beer
Acme when bearing OU
Activate (when bearing OU)
Adirondack (when bearing OU)
AHA! Flavored Sparking Water (when bearing OU)
Albertson's (when bearing OU)
All Beauty (when bearing OU)
All Sport When bearing OU
America's Choice When bearing OU
AMP: AMP Strawberry, AMP Passionfruit, AMP Watermelon, AMP Blueberry White Grape, AMP Energy Boost Mandarin Orange, AMP Energy Boost Wild Berry Cherry, AMP Tropical Punch
Apple & Eve must contain OU symbol.
Aquafina (United States & Canada): Aquafina Flavor Splash; Raspberry, Wild Berry, Grape, Strawberry Kiwi, Berry, Orange, Peach Mango
Aquafina: Sparkling Water Lemon, Aquafina Sparkling Lemon Lime. Aquafina Sparkling White Peach Apricot, Aquafina Sparkling Black Cherry Dragonfruit, Aquafina Sparkling Mango Pineapple, Aquafina Sparkling Orange Grapefruit Aquafina Alive Enhanced Water. Aquafina Sparkling Peach Berry FTN, Aquafina Sparkling Unsweetened Raspberry, Aquafina Sparkling Unsweetened Strawberry, Aquafina Sparkling Unsweetened Lime. Aquafina Sparkling Unsweetened Lemon, Aquafina Sparkling Lemon Lime FTN
Arctic Mist (when bearing OU)
Arctic Splash (when bearing OU or OU-D)
Arizona Beverages (when bearing OU or OUD)
Arrowhead Flavored Sparkling Water (when bearing
Autumn Apple (when bearing OU) apple cider
Autumn Harvest (when bearing OU) apple cider
Ayala's Herbal Water (when bearing OU)
Barq's Creme Soda, French Vanilla Cream, Root Beer, Red
Creme, Caffeine Free Root Beer
Be'er Mayim
Ben and Jerry's DAIRY: cherry Garcia Milkshake, Chocolate
Fudge Brownie Milkshake, Chunky Monkey Milkshake (when bearing
KD - cholov stam)
Best Health (when bearing OU)
Big K When Bearing cRc
Big Red Peach, Pineapple, Red, Red diet caffeine free, Red Float
Big Y (when bearing OU)
Bi-Lo (when bearing OU)
Blossom Water (when bearing OU)
Blume Honey Water (when bearing OU)
Blue Sky (when bearing OU)
Body Works (when bearing OU)
Bottled Water ( all unflavored are acceptable including with minerals and vitamins)
Bravo Flavored Milk (when bearing OU)
Briar's (when bearing OU)
Brisk: Brisk Fruteria Watermelon, Brisk Fruteria Mango, Strawberry Brisk Melon; also see Lipton
Bubly Sparkling: Bubly Sparkling Unsweetened Strawberry , Bubly Sparkling Unsweetened Orange, Bubly Sparkling Unsweetened Mango , Bubly Sparkling Unsweetened Lime, Bubly Sparkling Unsweetened Grapefruit , Bubly Sparkling Unsweetened Apple, Bub ly Sparkl ing Unsweetened Lemon, Bubly Sparkling Lime FTN, Bubly Sparkling Orange FTN, Bubly Sparkling Raspberry FTN, Bubly Sparkling Unswe etened Mango, Bubly Sparkling Ul1Sweetened Cherry, Bubly Sparkling Unsweetened Cranberry, Bubly Sparkling Unsweetened Blackberry, Bubly Sparkling Un sweetened Peach, Bubly Sparkling Unsweetened Raspberry, Bubly Original JustBubly, Bubly Sparkling Lime FTN, Bubly Sparkling Water Bellini Bliss
Cafreezo Coffee Brand -Dairy: Coffee Non-Dairy, French
Vanilla, Mocha
C & C (when bearing OU)
Cafè Au Lait (Canada)
Canada Dry (Canada): Ginger Ale, Green Tea, White Te, White Tea with Raspberry
Canada Dry Ginger Ale Regular, Cranberry, Golden, Lemon, Green Tea
Canada Dry Seltzer & Soda: Amazing Mandarin, Cranberry-Lime, Bitter Lemon, Black Cherry Wishniak, Cheerful Cherry, Ginger Beer, Club Soda, Collins Mixer, Island Lime, Lemon lime Twist, Tonic Twist, Tonic Water, Peach, Pineapple, Refreshing Raspberry, Vanilla Cream, Wild Cherry
Canada Pure (when bearing OU)
C Plus: Fruit Punch, Lime, Orange, Tropical Strawberry,
Wild Cherry Apple
Canfields (when bearing CRC
Carver's Ginger Ale
Central Grocers (when bearing CRC)
Cintron Tea (when bearing OU)
Citrus Blast
Citrus Bay, Long Island Lemonade Company (when bearing
Citrus Hill,Apple, Cranberry, Fruit Punch, Grapefruit, Orange, Pink Lemonade, Lemonade Sour, Pineapple
Charged Cherry Burst, Charged Berry Blast, Charged Tropical Strike, Charged Original Dew
Clear American (when bearing OU)
Clear Choice (when bearing OU)
Clear Splash (when bearing OU)
Clear n' Natural (when bearing OU)
Club Soda any unflavored
Cobra Energy Drink,(when bearing OU)
Coca Cola : Coke Plus, C-2, Classic, Vanilla Zero, Coke Zero, Cherry Zero, Cherry Coke, Caffeine Free, Black Cherry Vanilla, Lemon , Lime, Vanilla Coke, VIO (Dairy-Cholov Stam),Ultimate (regular and Zero Sugar), SPRITE LYMONADE LEGACY with Strawberry Lemonade flavor [also bears an OU on the label]
Diet Coke: Feisty Cherry, Ginger Lime, Twisted Mango, Zesty Blood Orange, Blueberry Acai & Strawberry Guava, Orange Cream (pareve), Sprite Vanilla Frost
Information on Coca Cola Freestyle Machines
Coca Cola bottled in Mexico is not certified as kosher.
Coca Cola with Coffee, Coca Cola with Coffee Caramel, Coca Cola with Coffee Dark Blend Zero Sugar, Coca Cola with Coffee Vanilla, Coca Cola with Coffee Vanilla Zero Sugar
Coolah Energy Drink Lemon, Diet Lemon
Coolata (Dunkin Donuts) Not all are certified kosher. Only recommended when purchased from a kosher certified location.
Cornell (when bearing OU)
Cott (when bearing OU) -
Cotton Club (When bearing OU)
Country Delight (When bearing CRC)
Country Time liquid: Lemonade, Pink Lemonade, Strawberry Lemon
Country Time (Powder: All powders certified when bearing
C Plus Lime, Orange, Orange Burst, Wink Twist
Crush (Canada) Berry Blue Tangerine, Berry Pomegranate, Grape, Green Vanilla Fruit Punch, Lime, Orange, Sparkling Pink Grapefruit, Sour Cherry, Strawberry/Banana, Strawberry Limeade.
Crush (US only) Banana, Birch Beer,Cherry, Cream Soda Red, Cream Soda White, Fruity Red, Grape, Lime, Orange, Peach, Pineapple, Red Licorice, Strawberry.
Crystal Bay (when bearing OU)
Crystal Light (Liquid and Powders are certifed when
bearing OK)
Dasani Beverage (when bearing OU): Plain-Original, Raspberry, Lemon, Strawberry, Grape, Mandarin Orange, Pear Cucumber, Wildberry, Lemon Tangerine, Lemon Lime, Mixed Berry, Dasani Plus- Cleanse & Restore, Dasani Plus-Defend & Protect, Dasani Plus Refresh & Revive, Dasani Essence Blackberry, Lime, Strawberry-Kiwi.
Days (when bearing OU)
Diet Rite Black Cherry, Caffeine Free, Cherry Cola, Cola, Golden Peach, Kiwi Strawberry, Red Raspberry, Tangerine, White Grape
DNL Fruit Flavor Blast
Dole Juices Only when Bearing a "K" or "Ches-K"
Dole-Strawberry Banana Smoothie, Mixed Berry Smoothie
Dole Sparklers: Only when Bearing a "K" or "Ches-K"
Dominicks Juice Boxes Orange Juice boxes and Orange Juice
half gallons(when bearing CRC)
Dr. Brown's (when bearing Kof-K or K)
Dr. Pepper (Canada) Berries & Cream, Original Dr. Pepper
Dr Pepper Original, Berries and Cream, Caffeine Free, Cherry, Cherry Vanilla, Red Fusion, Blackberry, Venom Energy Drink (see below)
Element H2O (when bearing Star-K)
Energy (when bearing OU)
Enviga Regular Green Tea, Peach and Berry
Everfresh (when bearing COR )
Fairlee (when bearing COR )
Fanta: Banana, Birch Beer, Blue Cherry, Berry Blue, Blackberry Lemonade, Blue Raspberry, Cherry, Dragonfruit, Exotic, Ginger Ale, Grape, Kiwi-Strawberry, Mandarin Tangerine, Mango Passionfruit, Orange, Orange Cream, Pineapple, Red Licorice, Select, Strawberry, Super Sour Apple, Super Sour Cherry, Super Sour Watermelon, Tropical Fusion, Vanilla, White Cherry, Wild Cherry, Yellow Cherry, Yumberry Black Current; Banana Split, & Blue Vanilla are DAIRY (Cholov Stam), Pineapple
Fantasia (when bearing OU) Cool Time Lemonade,
Fresh Squeezed Lemonade, Fresh Squeezed Raspberry Lemonade
Faygo (when bearing OU)
Fire Brands: Skittles Skittles Original Flavor Drink, Sour Flavor Drink, Tropical Flavor Drink, Wild Berry Flavor Drink (OU); Warheads Sour: Blue Raspberry Soda, Green Apple Soda, Grape Soda, Peach Soda (OU); Milky Way Chocolate Milk, Snickers Chocolate Milk, Twix Chocolate Milk (OUD)
Five Hour Energy Drink Only when bearing the Star K on the label
Finders: Finders Lemon Berry Acai, Finders Diet Wild Black Cherry, Finders Wild Black Cherry, Finders Agave Vanilla Cream, Finders Root Beer
Finest (when bearing OU)
FlaviaCappuccino, Chocolate, Latte (other dairy products are not certified by the KLBD)
Flavor Inn (when bearing OU)
Flavor Rage: Cherry, Chocolate, Diet Vanilla, Lime,
Raspberry, Tropical Remix(when bearing OU),
FlavourWorks: Colourless Flavor Shot Lemon
Food Club (when bearing OU)
Food Town (when bearing OU)
Franks (when bearing OU)
Frappuccino (Starbucks only in bottles with KD)(KD;
dairy non Cholov Yisroel) Coffee flavor, Mocha Flavor, Vanilla
Flavor, Egg Nog Flavor, Caramel, Starbucks DoubleShot, Decaf Mocha,
Mint Mocha, Mocha Lite, Mocha Amaretto Flavor, Hazelnut Flavor,
SoBe Love Bus Brew. Frappuccino Strawberries & Creme (9.5oz
bottle) is NOT certified kosher.
Fresca plain, Black Cherry, Citrus, Peach
Fresh Fizz (when bearing Star-K or CRC (Central Rabbinical Congress)
Fresh Pik't (when bearing OU)
Fresh Samantha (when bearing OU)
Frïsa (when bearing OU)
Fruit Fraize Brand -Dairy: Blue Parrot, Key Lime,
Mango, Pina Colada
Fruit 2 0 (when bearing OU)
Fruitisita Freeze Fruitlsta Limeade Lime, Fruitlsta Limeade Cherry, Pink Lemonade Freeze, Plna Colada, Peach Lemonade Freeze, Tropical Strawberry (when bearing K)
Fruitopia Strawberry Passion Awareness
Fruitworks United States and Canada: Blue Raspberry Freeze. Red Cherry Freeze Fountain. Fruitworks Strawberry Melon Fieeze. Fruitworks Orange Cream Freeze, Apple Berry Blast, Vanilla Coffee Flavour Freeze, Caramel Green Apple, Fruitworks Peach Lemonade, Fruitworks (Skittles) Green Apple FCB, Neutral Sweetner Base. Fruit Works Ultimate Red Cherry FCB, Fruit Works Orange Cream FCB. Fruit Works Citrus Cream FCB 5G BIB, Fruit Works Berry Breeze, Fruit Works Salted Caramel, Fiuitworks Grape FCB. Fiuitwoiks Grape FUB, Fruit Works Blue Raspberry Taffy, Fruitworks Sweetos Cinnamon Sugar FCB, Fruitworks Berry Candy FCB, Fruitworks Capt'n Crunch Berry, Fruit works Frozen Lemonade FCB, Fiuit Works Red Cherry Taffy Fieeze, Fruitwoiks Citrus Cream Freeze, Fruit Works Lemonade 3G, FruitWoiks Mango Fire, FruitWorks Watermelon, FruitWorks Pineapple Whip, Red Apple Frozen Carbonated Beverage, Mango Sorbet Frozen Carbonated Beverage
Fuelosophy DAIRY: Pineapple/Mango, Pomegranate Berry,
Vanilla Caramel, Citrus Blend
Full Throttle Energy Drink (when bearing OU)
FUZE Beverages, Juice and Tea (when bearing OU)
Fyxx Hybrid (when bearing OU
Garden of Flavor Cold-Pressed Energy Aloe Collagen - Guayusa Leaf OU- Fish, Cold-Pressed Energy Aronia Berry Blackberry OU, Cold-Pressed Energy Reishi Pear OU, Cold-Pressed Energy Turmeric Ginger OU, Cold-Pressed Energy Wheatgrass Pineapple OU; (when bearing OU or OU- Fish)
Gatorade - Fountain Beverages All varieties except for grape
Gatorade bottles & cans: (when bearing OU)
GATORADE ZERO THIRST QUENCHER in Grape and Fruit Punch flavors in 12 oz., 20 oz. and 28 oz. bottles is OU certified and pareve, even though the labels currently do not bear the OU symbol. (8/2022)
GATORADE ZERO "WITH PROTEIN" THIRST QUENCHER in 16.9 oz. bottles contains whey, a dairy ingredient, and bears OU-D. (8/2022)
Gatorade: F00O0O02021 Gatorade Orange, F0000002020 Gatorade Lemon, F0000002022 Gatorade Red Blood Orange, F0000002081 Gatorade Cool Blue Raspberry
Geyser (when bearing OU
Giant (when bearing OU)
Giant Eagle (when bearing OU)
Glaceau (when bearing OU)
Godiva Belgium Blends DAIRY -Cholov stam (when bearing OU-D
Gold Peak Tea: Sweetened Black Tea, Sweetened Green Tea, Unsweetened
Black tea
Green River Bottles and Cans
Gus (when bearing OU)
H20h! Plain, Berry, Lemon Lime, Orange
Hanson's (when bearing OU)
Hawaiian Punch (Canada) 12 oz. cans & 20oz., 24oz. and 2 liter bottles only
Fruit Juicy Red
Hawaiian Punch( 12 oz. cans & 20oz., 24oz. and 2 liter bottles only: Berry Blue Typhoon, Berry Lime Blast, Bodacious Berry, Fruit Juicy Red, Grape, Green Berry Rush, Island Citrus Guava, Lemonade, Lemon Berry Squeeze, Mango Passionfruit Squeeze, Punchy Lemonade, Polar Blast, Mazin Melon, Orange, Strawberry, Wild Purple Smash
Health Quenchers: (when bearing OK) Fruit Punch
Wellness, Lemon Tea Wellness, Mixed Berry Calcium, Punch Tea
Energy, Strawberry Lemonade Calcium, Strawberry Kiwi Energy
Hershey's Milk Box Drink(when bearing OU-D):
Dairy, non-Cholov Yisroel
Hi-C ((Fountain Only / Not cans, bottles or aseptic packs) ) ) Flashin' Fruit Punch, Light Fruit Punch, Orange, Orange Lavaburst, Poppin' Pink Lemonade
Hires (Canada) Red Cream Soda, Orange, Root Beer
Hires Root Beer
Honest Tea (when bearing OU)
Honeydrop (when bearing OU)
Hyperactive Calamansi Energy Drink, Raspberry Citrus
Energy Drink, Starfruit Energy Drink (when bearing OU)
IBC Root Beer, Black Cherry, Brown Cream, Cherry Cola, Tangarine Cream
Iced Coffee @ 7 Eleven (Available in most locations from Kan-Pak Company) (Sold from in-store dispenser).
Product made by this company is Dairy (cholov stam). The manufacturer's name can be determined by opening the door on the dispensing machine and reading the label: Mocha, French Vanilla
Iced Coffee @ 7 Eleven (Available from JAVO Beverage Company in Maine, New Hamp, Vermont, Mass, Conn, NY, NJ, PA.) (Sold from in-store dispenser) Product made by this company is pareve. The manufacturer's can be determined by opening the door on the dispensing machine and reading the label. Colombian, Hazelnut
Iced `Spresso (when bearing OU
Icee (Consumers must check each box of concentrate for the OU) Blue Rasperry, Cherry, Chrry Cola, Grape, Green Apple, Lime, Orange, Sour Apple, Strawberry, Watermelon
Other Icee flavors are certified by the HKA (Houston Kashruth Association. Since Icee Products are made by multiple co-packers, please check for the HKA logo on the box to verify that it is kosher certified. Flavors: Blue Raspberry, Cherry, Lemonade, Cola
Ice Matrix (when bearing OU)
Icy Splash (when bearing Star-K)
IZZIE: Izzie Clementine FTN, Izzie Grapefruit FTN
Jeff's Egg Cream (when bearing OUD: Dairy & Non-Cholov Yisroel)
Jewel Sodas(when bearing CRC)
Jewel Juice Boxes (when bearing CRC)
Jolt (when bearing OU)
Jones: (when bearing OU)
Jones Organics:(when bearing Star-K)
Jones, Natural:(when bearing Star-K) Root Beer
Jones, Sugar Free: (when bearing Star-K)
Key Food (when bearing K; Note: Grape is not
K.O Energy Drink (when bearing OU)
Kool Aid (liquids and powders when bearing OK)
Kool Aid Slushies Cherry, Grape, Lemon
Kosher Club (when bearing OU)
Kristian Regále (when bearing OU)
Kroger When Bearing cRc
LaCroix Sparkling Water (when bearing OU)
Lanika Brand -Dairy: Banana, Blue Hawaii, Ice
Cream Additive, Key Lime, Mango, Neutral Cocktail, Pina Colada Car,
Peach, Orange Cream, Strawberry, Strawberry Cream, Orange Cream
LeVillage (only when bearing Star-K) French Limonade, Lemonade, Orangeade, Pink Lemonade
Lion Brewery (when bearing OU)
Lipton & Brisk Tea (only with K, Ches K, or another reliable hashgacha on the label). Lipton & Brisk Tea in cans or 16oz, 16.9oz, 20oz,1Ltr, 1.5 ltr and 2ltr plastic bottles do not require any hashgacha on the label.
(United States & Canada): Lipton Brisk Tea-Bottle & Can: Lipton Brisk Tea, Brisk Lemon, No Calorie Brisk Lemon, Brisk Raspbeny, Brisk Sweet/No Lemon. Brisk Strawberry Melon, Brisk Unsweet, Biisk Green Tea with Peach, Brisk Sugar Free Lemonade, Diet & Reg Orangeade, Pink Lemonade, Lemonade, Sweet Lemon, No Cal Green Peach, White Tea & Pink Lemonade, Fiuit Punch, Yellow Lemonade, Biisk Green Tea Honey Ginseng, Tea & Lemonade, Fruit Punch. BlackTea Mango, Cherry Limeade, Busk Pineapple Passionfruit Tea, Biisk Tea and Lemonade, Brisk Cherry Limeade, Brisk Mate Cherry, Brisk Dragon Fruit, Brisk Mate Mango, Brisk Apple Tea, Busk Mate Dragonfruit. Brisk Strawberry Melon FTN, Brisk Strawberry Melon Iced Tea, Brisk Sweet Fountain, Brisk Lemonade, Brisk Watermelon Lemonade Iced Tea.
Lipton Green Tea: Mixed Berry, Lipton Green Tea with Citrus
Lipton lced Tea: with Lemon, Diet with Lemon. Green Tea with Citrus, Diet Green Tea with Citrus, Lipton Diet White Tea with Raspbeny, Lipton White Tea with Raspberry, Diet Green Tea with Mixed Berry, Lipton Sweet Iced Tea Jug, Lipton Natural Iced Tea Blueberry Pomegranate, Natural Diet Green Tea with Watermelon, Lipton Natural Green Tea Passion Fruit Mango. Iced Tea with Berry Acai, Lipton Naturals, UnSweet. Natural Black tea with Lemon, Natural Dt Green Tea Cirtus, Honey Peach, Diet Iced Tea Ginseng Honey. Sparkling Strawberry Kiwi, Dt Sparkling Strawbeny Kiwi. Tea & Lemonade, Lipton Iced Tea Pomegranate Blueberry, Iced Tea Lemonade, Lipton Sweet Tea, Lipton Iced Tea Splash Tropical, Lipton Iced Tea Splash Pear & Peach, Lipton Iced Tea Splash Citrus, Lipton Iced Tea Splash Tropical, Lipton Iced Tea Splash Berry, Lipton Brisk Symbiotic Dark Cherry Limeade, Lipton Iced Tea with Splash of juice Berry, Lipton Iced Tea with Splash of Juice Tropical
Lipton Chilled Black Tea Lemon, Chilled Green Tea Peach Mango, Sparkling Raspberry, Sparkling Peach, Sparkling Lemonade, Llpton Diet Peach Iced Tea, Brisk lead Tea and Blueberry Lemonade, Lipton Chilled Sweet Tea, Lipton Chilled Lightly Sweetened Sweet Tea
Lipton Fountain Tea: Brisk Plain, Brisk Sweet No Lemon, Brisk Extra Sweet No Lemon, Brisk Lemon, Brisk Raspberry, Brisk Peach, No Calorie Brisk Green with Juicy Peach, Brisk Sweet, Brisk Lemon Sweet, Brisk Half anf Half Freeze, Brisk Tropical Lemonade, LC Sweet Fountain Tea, Lipton Sweet Iced Tea, Upton Biisk Unsweet Fountain, Lipton Diet Lemon Iced Tea, Lipton Iced Tea/Lemonade, Lipton Mango, Lipton Peach Tea, Brisk Guava Ginger Lemonade
Lipton PureLeaf: ipton Pure Leaf Iced Tea Unsweetened, Lipton PureLeaf Iced Tea Sweetened, Lipton PureLeaf Iced Tea Extra Sweet Lipton PureLeaf Iced Tea with Lemon, Lipton PureLeaf Iced Tea with Peach, Lipton PureLeaf Iced Tea with Raspberry, Llpton PureLeaf Green Tea with Honey, Lipton PureLeaf Diet Iced Tea with Lemon, Lipton PureLeaf Diet Iced Tea with Peach, Lipton PureLeaf Diet Raspberry, Not Too Sweet Peach, Not Too Sweet Green Tea Honey, Pure Leaf Un Sweet Pure Leaf Sweet Pure Leaf Raspberry, Pure Leaf NTS Peach, Pure Leaf Unsweetened Green Tea, Pure Leaf Green Tea wih Honey Chilled, Pure Leaf Mint Pure Leaf Extra Sweet Pure Leaf Diet Lemon, Pure Leaf Lemon, Pure Leaf Unsweet Lemon, Pure Leaf Tea and Lemonade Iced Tea, Pure Leaf ked Tea with Pomegranate, Pure Leaf Iced Tea with Mint Llpton Pureleaf Unsweetened Green Iced Tea, Lipton Pureleaf Unsweetened Lemon Iced Tea, Pure Leaf Honey Green Tea, Pure Leaf Green Tea with Honey Chilled, Pure Leaf Unsweetened Green Tea, Pure Leaf Herbal Mango Hibiscus, Pure Leaf Herbal Mango Hibiscus, Pure Leaf Herbal Peach Hibiscus, Pure Leaf Herbal Peach Hibiscus, Pure Leaf Herbal Cherry Hibiscus, Pure Leaf Herbal Cherry Hibiscus, Pure Leaf Chilled Apple ClderTea, Pure Leaf Herbal Peach Hibiscus, Pure Leaf Herbal Mango Hibiscus, Pure Leaf Chille Hibiscus Mango, Pure Leaf Tea Iced Tea with Peach, Pure Leaf Raspberry, Pure Leaf Lemon, Pure Leaf Green Tea Honey, PureLeaf THC Sicilian Lemon Honeysuckle, PureLeaf THC Blackberry and Sage, PureLeaf THC Fuji Apple Ginger, PureLeaf Chilled Hibiscus.Lemon.jde
Lipton PureLeaf Iced Tea Unsweetened, Lipton PureLeaf Iced Tea Sweetened, lipton PureLeaf Iced Tea Extra Sweet, Lipton PureLeaf Iced Tea with Lemon, Lipton PureLeaf Iced Tea with Peach, Lipton Pureleaf Iced Tea, with Raspberry, Lipton PureLeafGreen Tea with Honey, Lipton PureLeaf Diet Iced Tea withLemnon, Lipton PureLeafDiet Iced Tea withPeach, Lipton Purelcaf Diet Raspberry, Not Too Sweet Peach, Not Too SweetGreen Tea Honey
Lipton Sparkling Tea (only with K, Ches K, or another reliable hashgacha on the label) (United States & Canada): Berry, Strawberry Kiwi
Loblaw(when bearing OK)Lime Flavoureds Mineral
Mad River: Lemon Green, Mountain Berry, Orange Carrot Medley, Red Tea, Wild Citrus
Manzanita Sol Apple Only With "K"
Manzanita Manzanita Sol, Manzanita Sol Freeze, Blackberry Lime Freeze
Master Choice (when bearing K; Note:Grape not
Master Chill ( when bearing OU): Key Lime, Orange
Mango, Plum Cherry Passionfruit, Dragon Fruit White Grape Plum
Syrup, Passionfruit Orange Guava, Sour Green, Strawberry Ginger
Ale, White Grape Plum, Bruisin Berry (FPC syrup), Sour Blue
Raspberry, Cafe Latte, Cherry Limeade, Red Licorice, Strawberry Creme
MasterPour: Collins, Ginger Ale, Lime Margarita Mix, Pepe
Rico Margarita Mix, Tonic Water, Sour
Mayim Chaim
Mello Yellow Cherry, Lemon-Lime
MetroMints With KSA or OU on label
Mineral Water All unflavored are acceptable.
Minute Maid Orange Juices when bearing OU
Minute Maid sodas and Orange Juice. (Only those sodas packed in 2 liter plastic bottles, 16oz. and 20oz. plastic bottles and 12oz. cans) : Blueberry, Cherry, Fruit Punch, Grape, Lemonade, Limonade, Mixed Berry Fruit Soda, Pineapple, Pink Lemonade, Raspberry Lemonade, Strawberry, Tropical Citrus, Orange, Light Guava Citrus, Light Lemonade, Light Mango Tropical, Light Raspberry Passion.
Light Cherry Limeade is NOT certified kosher!
Mirinda: Strawberry, Fiesta Pineapple, Fiesta Mango Orange, Fiesta Fruit Punch, Orange, Green Apple
Mirinda Dilutables: Green Apple, Lime, Peach Mango, Mango Tangerine, Mixed Berry, Strawberry Kiwi, Apple Mlrlnda: Strawbery, Fiesta Pineapple, Fiesta Mango Orange, Fiesta Fruit Punch, Orange, Green Apple
Mistic (when bearing OU)
Mitzli (when bearing B'datz)
Mr.Pibb, Pibb Xtra
Mountain Dew US & Canada United States, Mexico & Canada only. Including all Regular, Diet, Zero, Sugar-Free, LoCal, Caffeine -Free, cans, bottles and fountain versions:
Regular, Caffeine Free, Adrenaline Rush, AMP, AMP AM Orange, AMP Energy Lemonade, AMP Energy Boost Wild Berry Cherry, AMP Gold Apple, AMP Innovation Elevate Mixed Berry, Amp Innovation Traction Grape, AMP Lightening, AMP Organic Citrus, AMP Organic Grape, AMP Organic Pineapple Coconut, AMP Overdrive, AMP Passion Fruit, AMP Strawberry, AMP Tropical Punch, AMP Watermelon, Arctic Blast, Arctic Burst, Baja Blast, Baja Carribbean Splash, Baja Gold, Baja Mango Gem, Baja Passionfruit Punch, Baja Punch, Berry Berry Monsoon, Black, Black Label, Blue Shock, BWW Sauc, Cherry Blast, Citrus, Citrus Cherry, Code Red, Cold Fusion, Cyclone Dark Berry, Dark Knight, Dew S.A., Dew Shine, Distortion Freeze, Electric, Electric Charge, Energy, Energy Baja Blast, Energy Flare, Energy Lemonade, Flamin Hot, Freeze, Goji Citrus Strawberry, Green Label, Holiday Brew, Ice, Ice Cherry, Innovation Elevate Mixed Berry, Lemongrass, Liberty Brew, Live Wire, Live Wire Orange, Lime, Major Melon, Maui Burst, Merry Mash-Up, Mixed Berry, Organic Tropical Burst, Overdrive, Pitch Black, Pitch Black Freeze, Relaunch Live Wire Orange, Revolution, Sangrita, Sangrita Blast, Shine, Solar Flare, Sour Lime, Spiked Raspberry Lemonade, Spiked Lemonade, Strawberry Kiwi Hydrating Boost, Strawberry Pineapple, Sweet Lightening, Supernova, Thin Ice Freeze, Throwback, Trading Paint Orange, Typhoon Freeze, Ultraviolet, Voltage, VooDew, White Label, Whiteout, Yuzu Lemongrass, Zero Sugar High Caffeine, Mtn Dew Baja Cabo Citrus
Mt. Dew Kick Start Game Fuel, and Rise Energy Drinks needs certification
Mr. RE Only when bearing an OU
Caffeine-Free, AMP, Blue Shock Freeze, Code Red, LiveWire, Pitch
Black, Red Supreme, Arctic Burst, Mountain Dew AMP Sugar Free
Mug Cream: Regular & Diet< Mug Root, Beer Float Freeze Mug Cream: Regular & Diet
Mug Root Beer Regular & Diet, Fountain
Multi Vitamin Water (when bearing OU)
Muud Iced Coffee (when bearing OU)
Nantucket Nectars(when bearing OU)
Natalies Orchard Island (when bearing OU)
Naturale 90 (when bearing OU)
Naked Juice, The Ultimate Juice Company (when bearing
Nehi: Blue Cream, Ginger Ale, Grape, Fruit Punch, Lemonade, Orange, Peach, Pink Lemonade, Root Beer, Strawberry, Tonic Water, Wild Red
Nesbitt (Dallas K): Fruit Punch, Orange
Nestea Iced Tea Cool, Lemon, Peach, Premium, Raspberry, Southern Style, Sweetened, Unsweetened
Nestles Pure Life Water (when bearing OU): Plain, Lemon, Orange, Raspberry, Strawberry
NOS Energy Drink (Powershot is NOT kosher certified): Cherry, Fruit Punch, Grape, Original, Passionfruit, Sugar Free
No-Cal Cherry LIne, Chocolate, Clementine, Vanilla
Noh Foods Hawaiian Ice Tea (when bearing Star-K)
Northland (when bearing OU)
NuGrape (Dallas K)
O2Go (When bearing the Star-K)
Odwalla (when bearing OU)
Old Colony (Canada): Grape
Old Colony US: Grape, Pineapple
Olde Brooklyn Beverage Company (when bearing OU):
Bay Ridge Birch Beer, Brighton Beach Diet Black Cherry, Coney
Island Cream Soda, Flatbush Orange Soda, Park Slope Diet Ginger
Ale, Williamsburg Diet Root Beer
Omega-3 Water (when bearing OU)
Orangina (ONLY in France)
Oregon Chai (when bearing OU or OU-D)
Orchard Island Juice Company (when bearing OU)
Pasteurized Tangarine Juice
Orchard Valley (when bearing OU) apple cider
Ocean Spray Refreshers Cranberry
Pacific Bay -Dairy: Orange Cream, Peach, Peaches
& Cream, Strawberry, Red Raspberry Cream, Strawberry Cream,
Tropical Blue
Parker's with cRc only Root Beer
PatioGinger Ale, Patio Red Cherry Fountain, Patio Ginger Ale Fountain
Pathmark (when bearing OU)
Penafiel pple Cream, Grapefruit, Mandarin, Mineral Water, Strawberry, Pineapple, Tutti Frutti
Pepe Rico: Lime Margarita Mix, Original Margarita Mix
PepsiPepsi Cola (KP), Diet Pepsi (KP), Pepsi Max, Caffeine Free Pepsi-Cola (KP), Caffeine Free Diet Pepsi (KP), Pepsi One, Wild Cherry-Regular & Diet, Pepsi One Fountain, Diet Pepsi Fountain. Caffeine Free Diet Pepsi Fountain, Diet Pepsi Vanilla, Diet Pepsi Lime, Pepsi Natural, Pepsi Fountain, Pepsi Throwback, Pepsi Cherry, Diet Pepsi Vanilla, Pepsi Next, Peepi Next Mango, Pepsi Next Cherry Vanilia, Pepsi X-Factor, Pepsi Max Kick, Pepsi Lime, Pepsi Light, Pepsi Next Cherry, Pepsi True, Pepsi Craft, Next Vanilla, Caleb Kola, Diet Wild Cherry Pepsi APM Free, Caffeine Diet Pepsi, Diet Pepsi APM Free, Pepsi with Real Sugar, Pepsi Max Cherry, Pepsi Max Cherry Blast, Pepsi Real Sugar Cherry Vanilla, Pepsi Crystal, Wild Cherry Pepsi, Diet Pepsi, Diet Pepsi High Yield, Diet Pepsi Caffeine Free, Pepsi Cherry Vanilla, Pepsi Cherry Vanilla FCB, Ginger Cola, Pepsi Limon, Specialty Cola NB2, Pepsi Ginger, High Y8ield Cola, High Y8ield Cola Cherry, High Yield Lemon Lime, Cherry Pepsi, Pepsi Crystal, Diet Pepsi Classic Sweetener Blend, Pepsi Sodashop Freeze with Natural Black Cherry, Pepsi Zero, Diet Wild Cherry Pepsi, Diet Pepsi, Pepsi Zero Sugar Wild Cherry, Sodashop Pepsi Black Cherry Freeze, Diet Pepsi Wild Cherry, Pepsi Salted Caramel, Pepsi Watermelon, Pepsi Freeze, Pepsi Fire, Pepsi Float FCB, Pepsi Freeze, Pepsi Zero Sugar, Real Sugar Pepsi Vanilla, Pepsi Real Sugar Wild Cherry, Pepsi HFCS Vanilla, PEPSI-COLA, Pepsi Freeze, Wild Cherry Pepsi, Pepsi Max, Pepsi Mango, Pepsi Berry, Pepsi Lime, Pepsi Float Can, Pepsi X Peeps, Starry
Pepsi Flavor Shots: Strawberry, Cherry, Lemon, Vanilla, Grape, Peach, Raspberry, Cherry, Lime
Pepsi Jazz US & Canada Black Cherry-French Vanilla, Caramel Cream, Strawberries & cream
Perrier (when bearing OK) Sparkling Mineral Water,
Sparkling Mineral Water-Lemon Lime Flavor
Pibb Xtra
Polar Classics (when bearing OU)
Polar Shock- Strawberry Melonade, Bonechiller Cherry
Pom Wonderful (when bearing OU)
Powerade ( when bearing OU)
President's Choice (when bearing CRC)
Price Chopper (when bearing OU)
Price Rite (when bearing OU)
Prigat (when bearing OK)
Private Label - a Dr. Pepper Brand
(Canada) Ginger Ale, Lemon-Lime, Orange
Private Selection (when bearing CRC)
Prometheus Springs (when bearing OU)
Propel Zero: Berry, BlackcherryaBlueberyPomegranate, Grape, Kiwi Strawberry, Lemon, Peach
Propel: Strawberry Kiwi, Berry, Grape
Publix (when bearing OU)
QuikTrip (QT) See separate Kosher Drinks
at QT
Real Tea (when bearing OU)
Red Bull (International): Original regular,sugar free & shots
(Cola not approved at this time)
Red Flash
Relentless Original, Fire
Remix Flavor Hits: Cherry, Grape, Vanilla
Republic of Tea (when bearing OU)
Royal Crown (Canada): Cola
RC Royal Crown Cola US: Cola, Cherry Cola
Ritz (when bearing OU)
Rochester Orange, Root Beer
Rockstar Energy Drink (when bearing OU)
Roundy's (when bearing CRC)
Ruby Kist (when bearing OU)
Safeway Select (when bearing CRC)
Sambazon (when bearing OU)
Sam's Only when bearing OU
Saranac all products
Santiba Original Margarita Mix and Lime Margarita Mix
Schweppes (Canada): Tonic Water, Ginger Ale
Schweppes Ginger Ale US Regular, Raspberry, Dry Grape, Golden
Schweppes Seltzer & Soda, US Bitter Lemon, Black Cherry, Club Soda, Lemon,Lemon-Lime, Lemon Sour, Lime, Tonic Water, Wild Raspberry
Scorpion Energy Drink (when bearing OU)
Seagrams: Ginger Ale, Raspberry Ginger Ale, Tonic Water
Season's Harvest, (when bearing K or Ches K only(United States & Canada)) Sour Orange 100%
Seattle's Best: Mocha, French Vanilla (Dairy Cholov Stam)
Seltzer any unflavored
Sensational(when bearing OU)
7-Up: 7-UP: Diet 7-UP, 7UP Lemon Lemon Core, 7UP Lemon Lemon Cucumber Mint, 7UP Lemon Lemon White Peach
Shaw's (when bearing OU)
Shasta (when bearing OU)
Skyy Blue
Shock Coffee (when bearing OU)
Shop Rite (when bearing OU)
Sierra Mist US & Canada: Regular (KP) & Diet (KP), Cranberry, Cranberry Splash, Free Cranberry Splash, Sierra Mist Matural, Nat Strawberry Kiwi, Diet Strawberry Kiwi, Peach. Cranberry. Sierra Mist Cranberry Splash, Diet Sierra Mist Cranberry Splash, High Yield Lemon Lime Peach, High Yield Lemon Cranberry, High Yield Lemon Lime, High Yield Cola Cherry, High Yield Cola Vanilla, High Yield Cola, Sierra Mist Twist Lemon Lime, Mist Twist Cherry Lime, Mist Twist Cranberry, Sierra Mist Lemon Lime
Simply Beverages when bearing OU
Slam Fruit Punch, Grape, Orange, Strawberry
Slice Red, Slice One-Orange, Grape, Berry
Slurpees See separate Slurpees
Slush Puppie Consumers must check each box of concentrate for the cRc: Tropical Punch is DAIRY : Blue Vanilla, Cherry, Cotton Candy, Fruit Juicy Red, Green Apple, Green Berry Rush, Kiwi Strawberry, Lemonade, Lemon Lime, Lemon Limecicle, Mazin Melon, Mixed Berry, Neutral, Orange Cream, Pina Colada, Pink Lemonade, Polar Purple Shiver, Raspberry, Strawberry, Strawberry Banana, Tropical Bahama Mama, Very Cherry Cola, Watermelon
Smoothie Brand (by Dr. Pepper) - Dairy: Key Lime, Pina
Colada, Raspberry
Snapple (Only when bearing OK or OK-DE) Snapple Fruit Punch and Snapple Pie are NOT KOSHER!; Some snapple flavors are now DE (Dairy equipment)
Snapple Water Dairy when bearing the OUD
Snow Beverages (when bearing OU)
SoBe (when bearing OU) Mr. Green, Sobe Cherry Lime Coolatta when bearing K
SoBe Yumberry Pomegranate Fountain
SoBe Lifewater (Coconut Water): Pacific Coconut, Mango Mandarin, Pomegranate Nectarine
SoBe Love Bus Brew (KD non-Cholov Yisroel)
Sobeys( when bearing OK) Lime Flavoureds Mineral
Soda-Club seltzer
Soda Club (when bearing OU)
Soda-Club energy drink (when bearing OU)
Sokenbicha (when bearing OU)
SOL: Apple, Apple Fountain, Grapefruit, Manzanita, Tamarind
Sonic Cherry, Neutral Slush
SoNu Water (when bearing OU)
Sour Green
Sparking Ridge (when bearing OU)
Spindrift (When bearing OU)
Sprite, All including Sprite Green and Sprite Select
Squeezit Drinks, General Mills, (when bearing OU)
Berry B. Wild, Chucklin' Cherry, Grape, Punch, Tropical Punch.
Squirt Citrus Power, Squirt, Ruby Red
Starbucks: Starbucks Pumpkin Spice
Starbucks Coffees: (Starbucks - only in bottles and cans with a KD
[dairy, cholov-stam) Coffee, Mint Mocha, Mocha, Mocha Light, Decaf Mocha, Vanilla, Caramel, Doubleshot Hazelnut Flavor, Double Energy Coffee, Double Energy Vanilla; Strawberry & Cream Frappuccino is NOT kosher!
Steap Soda (when bearing OU)
Steaz (when bearing OU)
Stewart's (when bearing OU)
Stoneyfield Farms Shift (when bearing OU-D)
Stop n' Shop (when bearing OU)
Stubborn Soda: Stubborn Soda Root Beer, Stubborn Soda Lemon Berry Acai, Stubborn Soda Orange Hibiscus, Stubborn Soda Black Cherry, Stubborn Soda Agave Vanilla Cream. Stubborn Soda Orange Hibiscus Red, Stubborn Soda Agave Vanilla Cream, Stubborn Soda Lemon Berry Acai, Stubborn Soda Classic Root Beei, Stubborn Soda Citrus Hibiscus Orange, Stubborn Soda Pineapple Cream, Stubborn Soda Black Cherry with Tarragon, Stubborn Soda Cola Zero Sugar. Stubborn Soda Cola
Sunkist Cherry Limeade, Citrus Fusion, Mango Orange, Orange, Sparking Lemonade, Fruit Punch, Grape, Peach, Pineapple, Solar Fusion, Strawberry, Watermelon Lemonade
Sundrop Cherry, Lemon
Sunkist: Cherry Limeade, Orange, Sparking Lemonade, Fruit Punch, Grape, Peach, Pineapple, Strawberry; Orange Float is NOT certified kosher!
Sunlike (when bearing COR)
Sunny Isle (when bearing OU)
Sunny Isle (when bearing OU)
Sussex Golden Ginger Ale
Sweet Valley (when bearing CRC)
Tab Tab, Tab Energy Drink
Tahitian Treat(Punch is not certified kosher) Lemonade, Pink Lemonade
Talking Rain (when bearing OU)
Tang Powder (when bearing OK)
Tatra Energy Drink (when bearing OU)
Tava: Brazilijan Samba, Mediterranean Fiesta, Tahitian Tamure
TAZO Teabags and Bottled Teas (Flavored and Regular) when bearing KSA
TeemWindchill Lemonade
Thelma's Lemonade, Peach Lemonade, Pink Lemonade, Lemon Tea
Top Pop (when bearing OU)
Trimino Protein Infused Water (when bearing OU)
Tropicana: Yellow Lemonade, Light Lemonade, Pink Lemonade, Lemonade Fountain, Fruit Punch, Strawberry Melon, Fruit Punch Fountain, Pink Lemonade Fountain, Modifier SM. Lemonade, Lemon, Pineapple, Tropical Strawberry consumer products in 2 liter bottles, 20 oz. & 16.9 oz. bottles, and 12 oz. cans only. The equivalent flavors sold in refrigerated cartons are not recommended unless they bear an OK symbol.)
Tropical Grove( when bearing COR )
Tropical Delight (When bearing COR)
Tropical Rhythms(When bearing COR)
Tropicana Twister US & Canada: Citrus, Grape, Strawberry, Orange
Twisted Tea Half & Half, Lemon, Peach
The Ultimate Juice (when bearing OU)
Upper 10
Vault (from Coke): Regular and Vault Zero, Red Blitz
Venom (Mexico): Energy Black Mambo
Venom US: Black Mambo, Death Adder, Kill Taipan, Mojave attler
Vernors: Ginger Ale, Vernors Black Cherry Ginger Soda
Vess: (OV) Black Cherry. Blue Raspberry, Cherry Cola,
Club Soda, Cola, Diet Caffeine Free Cola, Diet Cream Soda, Ginger
Ale, Mountain Vess, No-Salt Seltzer, Peach, Pina Colada, Pineapple,
Red Cream, Root Beer,Strawberry, Tonic, Whistle Orange
Veryfine( When bearing OU)
Vintage Seltzer Lemon Lime, Mandarin Orange, Raspberry,
Wild Cherry
VIO DAIRY (Cholov Stam): Berry, Citrus,Peach Mango,Tropical Colada
Vitacoco when bearing Star-K
Vita Zest (when bearing OU)
Vizzy(when bearing OU)
W20(when bearing OU)
Waddajuice(when bearing OU)
Waist Watcher (when bearing OU)
Wal-Mart (when bearing OU)
Walgreens: Grape, Lemon-Lime, Orange, Red Pop, Root Beer
Bottled Water All unflavored are acceptable (minerals and vitamins are acceptable)
Wegman's (when bearing OU)
Welch's: (soda not juice) Lemonade, Orange, Sparkling Peach, Sparkling Pineapple, Strawberry, (grape in NY, NJ with Kof K, in New England Area with Diamond K) on lid)
White Rock (when bearing OU)
Wild Fruitz (when bearing Kof-K)
Wildwood (when bearing CRC)
Windchill: Fruit Punch, Lemonade, Orange, Strawberry,
Wild Cherry
Wink Grapefruit
Wylers (when bearing OU)
XS Energy: Citrus Blast Energy Drink, Tropical Blast
Energy Drink, Tropical Blast Energy Drink Caffeine Free (when
bearing OU)
Yoo Hoo (when bearing OK)
Zeigler's(when bearing OU) Apple Cider
Zico(when bearing OU)
Zima (when bearing OU)