Halacha requires the tithing (separation of teruma and
ma'aser) of produce grown in Israel, and untithed produce may not be
consumed. In the State of Israel, various Kashrus organizations arrange for
this tithing to occur. However, until recently there were no arrangements
made for the tithing of produce that was exported to the United States.
A few months ago, the OU initiated discussions
with Agrexco, the primary exporter of Israeli produce, to establish a system
of separating terumah and ma'aser for the American marketplace. The Arab
terrorists have attempted to weaken Israel by destroying its economy. The
European market, Israel's main trade partner, is not as reliable as it was
in the past, and opening the American market to Israeli products is
especially crucial. It is of the utmost importance that the Jews of the
Diaspora support the Israeli economy and purchase Israeli grown produce
whenever available. It was recognized that some people might be hesitant to
purchase these products because they are unfamiliar with the laws and
procedures of tithing. It was agreed that over the course of the next few
months, the OU would work with Agrexco to
establish a system to tithe all exported produce.
In spite of these efforts, the OU has been
unsuccessful in arranging for the tithing of peppers, which will now be
arriving in the United States during the month of November. There are 30
warehouses where peppers are stored, and the logistics of coordinating a
system of separation in these multiple locations proved too difficult for
Agrexco. It is hoped that once Agrexco tests the market with respect to
other produce, they will consent to a program for peppers as well.
Given the importance of supporting the Israeli economy, we encourage the
public to purchase peppers and tithe the product at home. There is some
concern about how this should be done, for the following reason. Some
peppers may be grown in areas where tithing is not required. Such produce
does not require tithing, nor can such produce be designated as the tithed
portion for Israeli fruits and vegetables. The question arises, can one
purchase a number of peppers in a supermarket and designate a portion of one
pepper as terumah and ma'aser for the entire batch, when the possibility
exists that the designated pepper may come from an area where tithing is not
required, while the remaining peppers may require tithing? This is a matter
of halachic dispute. Some Rabbis require that each pepper be tithed
separately. On the other hand, Horav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach, z"tl, and
others, are of the opinion that the possibility of a mixture in the same
batch is unlikely, and therefore one can tithe the entire batch without a
separation from each individual pepper. In any event, when tithing peppers,
one should not recite a brocha, since the possibility exists that the
produce was grown outside of Israel.
Alternatively, if one has difficulty with the full
text or it is not available, this simplified text may be recited:
“All separations of Terumah and Ma'aser and redemptions of Ma''aser Sheni and
Neta Revai shall be effected in accordance with the text of the Chazon Ish.”
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