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Chometz after Passover 2020
The following information is from a number of sources. There are also different opinions so I am posting the information with its source. Be reminded that in many communities, there is not a problem with chometz achar Pesach in the local kosher store whose chometz has been sold by the local vaad or rabbi. (Information updated April 20, 2020.)
Shop Rite Supermarkets and Price Rite: Rabbi Elazar M. Teitz sold the chometz.
Jethro/Restaurant Depot: The Kof-K has sold their chomets.
C&S Wholesale Grocers': The Kof-K has sold the chometz ahead of Pesach. of C&S Wholesale Grocers', a Jewish owned food distibutor that supplies groceries to thousands of supermarkets across the United States. C&S owns Davidson Specialty Foods that distibutes kosher and ethnic foods.
(Please note that this does not apply to the individual stores but
rather to the supplier/distributor known as C&S Wholesale Grocers.
Individual stores require their own Chometz sale if they have Jewish
Information on purchase of chometz in various locations
Beer in the New York area: The OK has sold the chometz for Manhattan Beer Distributors. The OK statement about beer in the Tri State New York area is here
Philadelphia Area: Keystone K -Stores from which Chometz may be purchased after Pesach.
Ed. note: Check with your local rabbinical authority regarding establishments in your community.
We do not have any information about establishments which are not listed.
Articles on chometz after Passover
Chametz after Pesach by Rabbi Dovid Cohen. Reprinted with permission of the Chicago Rabbinical Council.