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Consumer Kashrut Alerts

Kashrut Alert - Products certified by the Chasam Sofer in Spain and France

June 20, 2024 from the Chasam Sofer certification, Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu – Safed

The following items have been recalled due to a failure in proper supervision and certification by those responsible of these foods:

None of these products should be consumed.

Clarification letter from Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok Pevzner in Hebrew is here:

Translated by Rabbi Nissan Zibell: In response to many inquiries, I would like to clarify that all Israeli dairy products and cheeses produced by the Makabi company (Kesh Service) in France are made under my strict supervision and in the presence of experienced and G-d-fearing mashgichim (who have been working with us for many years and are not affiliated with any other Kashrus agency). Our trained mashgichim meticulously supervise from the beginning of milking or production, until the end of the packaging (not relying on the concept of Yotzeh Venichnas- a mashgiach going in and out). This is based on the the tradition I received from my father of Rabbi Hillel Pevzner A”H, Rabbi of the Lubavitcher Congregation in France, who gave his life to establish Kashrus in the country of France and beyond. He was the the first to introduce Cholov Yisroel milk into France. We strive to adhere to all instructions that he gave us, to strengthen and elevate Kashrus standards, especially in the matter of Cholov Yisrael, which it is known that Chabad Chassidim gave their lives for Cholov Yisrael and to keep Kashrus to the strictest standard.

This includes all our products, both those sold in France and other countries, as well as those imported to Israel (the "Chug Chatam Sofer B"B stamp on the products is only for import into Israel.)

The previous item can be cited with the URL: https://www.kashrut.com/Alerts/?alert=A8900

The information posted is from secondary sources. We cannot take responsibility for the accuracy of the information.

Copyright © kashrut.com. Permission is granted to reprint these alerts in hardcopy print media if kashrut.com is credited as the source of the information.
כל האומר דבר בשם אומרו, מביא גאלה לעולם אבות ו"ו

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Arlene J. Mathes-Scharf  
Food Scientist - Kosher Food Specialist
Scharf Associates
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Sharon, MA 02067