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Consumer Kashrut Alerts

Tops Buffalo Kosher Alert

May 15, 2024: From the Buffalo Vaad Hakashrus (BVK):

"As part of their periodic review of their product offerings, Tops has decided that they would like to change which products are Va'ad-certified to meet their operational needs. The BVK is happily assisting Tops to ensure that the procedures in place will allow for the most expansive list of Va'ad-certified bakery products, along with a new BVK sticker that will allow for easier identification by the Kosher consumer as to which items are BVK-certified.

"As a result, the BVK and Tops are resetting the Kosher protocol in the bakery. Until the new list of certified products is published, products from the Bakery at 3980 Maple Road should not be considered Va’ad-certified until further notice. The goal is to have everything reset at the Bakery in the next few weeks with new Kosher stickers and signs to reflect the updated Kosher offerings.

"Additionally, Tops customers should refrain from purchasing any fresh Chametz products until after May 15th and shelf-stable Chametz products should not be bought until after May 25th. There are no issues with buying Chametz from the Okonov’s Deli section."

The previous item can be cited with the URL: https://www.kashrut.com/Alerts/?alert=A8862

The information posted is from secondary sources. We cannot take responsibility for the accuracy of the information.

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כל האומר דבר בשם אומרו, מביא גאלה לעולם אבות ו"ו

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Arlene J. Mathes-Scharf  
Food Scientist - Kosher Food Specialist
Scharf Associates
P.O. Box 50
Sharon, MA 02067