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PASSOVER 2025, 5785

First Seder - Night of Saturday, April 12, 2025
First Day - Sunday, April 13, 2025
Second Seder - Night of Sunday, April 13, 2025
Second Day - Monday, April 14, 2025
Seventh Day - Saturday, April 19, 2025
Eighth Day - Sunday, April 20, 2025

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Passover Recap 2023
  Kashrut.com Passover 2023 observations
Passover Travel
  Establishments offering destinations for travel for Passover 2024

  Exciting Passover Products
  Sold through ArtScroll
The Seder Night: An Exalted Evening: The Passover Haggadah: With a Commentary Based on the Teachings of Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik (Hardcover)
Amazon Passover Store
Passover Cookbooks
  Sold through Amazon.com and Artscroll

When Erev Passover is on Shabbos
Who is Wealthy?
  The use of Egg Matzah on Erev Pesach that falls on Shabbos
by Rabbi Zushe Blech zt"l
Shabbos Erev Pesach
  by Rabbi Doniel Neustadt
Why Is This Year Different? - A Practical Guide To The Laws That Apply When Erev Pesach Occurs On Shabbat
  by Rabbi Philip Ginsbury, M.A, London Beth Din
Chometz After Passover
Association Of Kashrus Organizations (AKO) Post Pesach 2024
Scroll-K (Denver) after Passover list 2024
CRC Post-Passover Store Information for 2024
Kosher Miami on Purchasing Chometz after Pesach 2024
Cleveland Kosher on Purchasing Chometz After Pesach
Star-K Post Pesach Information 2024
KVH on Chometz after Pesach 2024
Keystone-K on Chametz after Passover 2024
KIB Kashrus Conscience Passover Edition pages on Chometz after Pesach
  by Rabbi Eidlitz
Rabbinical Council of Greater Washington Post-Passover Store Information
A Guide for the purchasing of Chometz after Pesach
  By Rabbi Aharon Cohen from Tiferes Israel
K-COR (Detroit) Post Passover List
KVH (Boston) Post Passover List for 2020
Chometz after Passover
  Compiled by kashrut.com
Lincoln Square Synagogue NY Post Passover Info (2020)
Congregation Oheb Zedek NY post-pesach shopping (2020)
General Articles
Why is This Food Different from Other Foods? Kashrus/Passover and Modern Food Processing
  By A. J. Mathes-Scharf
Revised for 2024
Gluten Intolerance, Celiac, Allergies And Pesach
  By Rabbi Avraham Juravel
Audio Shirum at OU.org
OU Audio Pesach seminars
This Matzoh That We Eat
  by Rabbi Zushe Blech zt"l
Bread, Wine, Beer...
  by Rabbi Zushe Blech zt"l
Still Quonfuesed About Quinoa
  Facts about Quinoa on Passover
by A. J. Mathes-Scharf
Revised for 2024
Information on Choosing Pet Food for Passover
  from the Chicago Rabbinical Council
Passover Preparations
Chametz: When to Peddle and When to Purge?
  by Rabbi Gavriel Price
Hagalah: A Koshering Process
  by Rabbi Doniel Neustadt
The Quintessential Kashering Primer
  Provided by the OU
Preparing a Kitchen For Passover.
  Provided by the Star-K
Kashering for Passover
  provided by the CRC
Chicago Rabbinical Council's Guidelines to Kashering Counter tops and Stovetops for Pesach
Pesach Cleaning Primer
  by Rabbi Mordechai Becher
Pesach Purchases: For Beginners & Beyond
  Compiled by Rabbi Nissan Zibell
Know Thy Beans - Kitniyos is the Modern World
  By Rabbi Zushe Blech zt"l
List of foods considered to be Kitniot
What is Kitniyot?
Medicines and Cosmetics
Does Medicine need to be Kosher for Pesach?
  By Rabbi Shmuel Silber
Chometz Ingredients in Cosmetics & Toiletries
  From Rabbi Bess
OU guidelines on medicines
cRc Pesach Lipstick Search 2022
Medicines and Cosmetics for Pesach
  By Rabbi Doniel Neustadt
CRC Policy on Medicines, Cosmetics and Toiletries for Passover
  PDF Format
Other Articles
The Ten Commandments For the Prudent Passover Consumer
  Provided by the Star-K
Passover Matzos
  Provided by the Star-K
The Busiest Day of the Year: The Laws of Erev Pesach
  Provided by the Star-K, by Rabbi Dovid Heber.
But What Could be the Problem With...
  Provided by the Star-K

Passover 2024 Information
Use this as a general guide only, information may be different for 2025
Passover Kashrut Alerts
  Last Updated Fri, Apr 26, 2024
Passover Product FAQ (formerly Misc. Passover Product Information)
  Passover status of various products. Prepared by Arlene Mathes-Scharf
Star-K Information
cRc 2024 Passover Information
OK Passover Info
  Searchable OK Passover Product guide
Congregation K'Hal Adath Jeshurun Passover List
Va'ad HaRabanim of Greater Seattle Passover
  for Seattle's Ashkenazi and Sephardi communities
Atlanta Kashruth Commission - Pesach Guide
Vaad Hoeir of St. Louis Passover Guide
Jersey Shore Orthodox Rabbinate
Rabbinical Council of New England Passover Info
  Product pages from the KVH booklet
Council Of Orthodox Rabbis Of Greater Detroit PesachGram
Vaad Hakashrus of Denver Pesach Newsletter
Dallas Kosher Passover Newsletter
Greater Phoenix Vaad HaKashruth Passover Info
  • List of products that do not require special Passover supervision - with tequila list
  • Young Israel of Houston Pesach Planner
    Commercial Passover Kashrut Alerts
      Last Updated Thu, May 30, 2024
    OU Passover Information
    Kosher Information Bureau (Rabbi Eidlitz) Passover 2024 Information
      KIB Pesach magazine
    COR (Kashruth Council of Canada) Passover page
      COR Passover Guide (pdf)
    MK Passover Information
    Kosher Check (Vancouver, British Columbia) Passover Guide
    London Beit Din Passover Page
    UK Sephardi Kashrut Authority Passover List
    French Passover Information
    Australian Passover Guides
    BDK Passover lists (Brazil - in Portuguese)
      For Ashkenazim
    For Sefaradim
    Mexican Passover Guides
    South African Union of Orthodox Synagogues Passover Page
    Bedatz Eida Chareidis Jerusalem medicine list
    Rabbi Meisels Passover Guide for Diabetics
    Dietary Needs at the Seder
      Rabbi Cohen (cRc) on how people with different medical conditions can fulfill the mitzvos.
    Jewish Diabetes Association
      Pesach Guide for those with Diabetes (2012)
    Passover 2024 Restaurants & Caterers
    KVH (Boston) Pesach Groceries & Caterers


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    © Copyright 2024 Scharf Associates
    Phone: (781)784-6890 
    E-mail: ajms@kashrut.com
    URL: "http://www.kashrut.com/"
    Arlene J. Mathes-Scharf  
    Food Scientist - Kosher Food Specialist
    Scharf Associates
    P.O. Box 50
    Sharon, MA 02067